Abstract: Research on gender bias is always interesting and can continue research related to other fields. One is the study of gender bias in reporting women leaders in the mass media. The social construction in Indonesia distinguishes men and women. Megawati Soekarnoputri is a female leader known as the first and only female President in Indonesia. This study uncovers the news content of two newspapers in Indonesia, namely Kompas and Kedaulatan Rakyat, during Megawati's presidency in the era 2001 - 2004. The researcher uses a content analysis method with the "pen pix" dimension by Cathy Jenkins. This study then interviewed two female journalists from Kompas and Kedaulatan Rakyat to confirm the findings of the news text research in the context of the news production process at the Kompas and Kedaulatan Rakyat editorial staff. The study results show that Kompas and Kedaulatan Rakyat are still gender-biased and focus more on the appearance and personal character of female politicians. The implications of this research are considered essential for media actors' guidelines to maintain gender equality between women and men as news subjects through the choice of news angles and news content flow.
Keywords: Gender, media, female leader, Megawati, news content
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