Background and Purpose: Efforts to improve the teaching of the Arabic language as a subject have the potential to strengthen the Integrated Dini Curriculum (KBD) in Malaysia. Thus, it is appropriate and necessary to examine the relevance of textbook technical presentation in terms of text readability. Therefore, this study aims to identify the relationship between the technical presentation of the Arabic textbook (al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah al-Mu’asirah) in the Form Four Integrated Dini Curriculum in Government-Aided Religious Schools (SABK) and the readability of textbooks.
Methodology: This study was designed as survey research. 694 respondents Form Four SABK were recruited in this study, selected using a proportionate stratified random sampling method. The questionnaire items were administrated to the respondents after they were tested for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. This included frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation tests.
Findings: Results showed that the technical presentation of KBD Form Four Arabic textbooks is of a high level. However, the readability of the textbook overall was unsatisfactory. It was also shown that there was a weak significant positive relationship between the textbook technical presentation and the readability of Arabic textbooks for SABK students.
Contributions: The findings of this study have implications on textbook writers to improve textbook readability, especially for language learners. The findings also may contribute to the Ministry of education, course designers, as well school administrators to be vigilant before making any decisions on textbooks used for educational purposes.
Keywords: al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah al-Mu’asirah, government-aided religious school students, Integrated Dini Curriculum, readability, textbook technical presentation.
Cite as: Ismail, M. F., & Nik Yusoff, N. M. R. (2022). Textbook technical presentation vs. Readability: An analysis of KBD form four Arabic textbooks in Malaysia. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 7(2), 270-290. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol7iss2pp270-290
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