Through the lens of young Sarawakian English as second language learners: Identifying their language learning strategies

  • Sarina Sani Sekolah Kebangsaan Agama Ibnu Khaldun, Jalan Tan Sri Ikhwan Zaini, 94300 Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • Hanita Hanim Ismail Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.


Background and Purpose: Different language learners have varying capacities to acquire L2, where some learners develop their learning strategies faster than others. Hence, it is critical for instructors to examine the degree of understanding and ability obtained by the learners through the investigation of their language learning strategies particularly on the type of schools the learners attend. This study, therefore, reveals frequently employed learning strategies in ESL classrooms based on the type of school the learners attend, notably the distinction between Cluster School of Excellence (CSE) and non-cluster primary school in Malaysia.

Methodology: This quantitative research gathered information through the administration of a survey questionnaire. In total, 112 young ESL Malaysian learners (CSE:56; Non-CSE:56) aged 11 were chosen through stratified random sampling in Samarahan, Sarawak. The close-ended Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) that consist of 50 questions was used to collect information and SSPS Version 25 was used to interpret an independent t-test to determine the significant in strategies employed by the respondents.

Findings: The data revealed that the most prevalent Language Learning Strategy (LLS) used by young Malaysian ESL learners are metacognitive strategies that allow learners to manage their learning. Learners in non-CSE school adopt learning strategies more than learners in CSE school and there is no significant difference in the type of learning strategies employed by both learners.

Contributions: School’s environment reflects a significant impact on the academic success of students and the result of the investigation helped throughout the educational process to tailor teaching strategies to help learners achieve common educational goals. Teachers from both schools should use this chance to conceive, construct, or assign tasks that will push students to reach their full potential in language learning.

Keywords: Language learning, language learning strategies, type of school, Malaysian young learner.


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How to Cite
Sani, S., & Ismail, H. H. (2022). Through the lens of young Sarawakian English as second language learners: Identifying their language learning strategies. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 7(2), 399-423.