• Atiyah Ali Department of Neuroscience, School of Medical Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Siti Maryam Ruzlan Jabatan Pengimejan diagnostik dan radioterapi, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Kuantan, Pahang


ABSTRAK: Kertas ulasan perbincangan mini ini tertumpu kepada pengaruh gelombang ritma dan muzik terhadap masalah kemurungan. Penghidap masalah kemurungan kebiasaanya memerlukan rawatan perubatan moden dengan pengambilan ubat-ubatan antidepresi dan juga pelbagai jenis terapi. Namun, di samping pengambilan ubat-ubatan, terapi alternatif seperti muzik dan alunan ritma juga mampu dimanfaatkan dalam mengurangkan simptom kemurungan. Mekanisma pengaruh muzik terhadap emosi kemurungan juga dibincangkan secara umum untuk pemahaman secara general.

Kata Kunci: Kemurungan, terapi muzik, terapi alunan ritma, mekanisma kemurungan


ABSTRACT: This mini review paper is focusing on the influence of rhythms and musical sound waves towards depression problem. Conventionally, those with depression are treated with antidepressant medication therapy. However, there is an alternative therapy that can be offered to control depressed symptoms among depressed patients aside than medications, which is through music and rhythms therapy. The music and rhythm mechanisms are generally discussed in this review.

Keywords: Depression, Music therapy, Rhythms therapy, depressed mechanism


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How to Cite
Ali, A., & Ruzlan, S. M. (2018). ULASAN MINI: GELOMBANG MUZIK DAN ALUNAN RITMA SEBAGAI TERAPI KEMURUNGAN. Asian People Journal (APJ), 1(2), 217-221. Retrieved from https://journal.unisza.edu.my/apj/index.php/apj/article/view/38