About Us

         The Journal of Management Theory and Practice is an online international journal for publishing high quality peer reviewed papers in the field of theoretical and applied management areas. The main objective of this journal is to exchange ideas about management sciences, marketing and business research and so forth. The subject areas include, but are not limited to project management, business strategy and policy, finance and accounting, tourism management, risk management and takaful, entrepreneurship, insurance, applied economics, and islamic finance.

          The main objective of this journal is to perform fast and reliable process for authors. Once a paper is accepted, our teams work hard to provide an online version of the papers as quickly as possible. All papers are assigned a valid DOI number (10.37231) once they appear online in the forthcoming issue just to make sure that the other researchers can read and cite them without any delay. We believe this could help the existing knowledge grow faster; however, the actual publication of a paper with volume and number will be not more than 4 months in which all accepted papers are published in April, August, and December.

          The Journal of Management Theory and Practice papers are published online only and there is no limited number of tables, figures (including color figures) that can be included in the published paper. The Journal of Management Theory and Practice does not apply any charges for the submission and publication once the paper has been accepted.

          Articles that pass peer review process are indexed in high reputation indexing such as Google Scholar, MyJurnal, Scilit, DRJI, World of Journal and etc. The reviewers are formally invited by The Journal of Management Theory and Practice based on their expertise and suitability as a reviewer for the article is checked before they are invited to contribute a report. Also, the reviewers are asked to declare that there is no competing interest on the article.

          The Journal of Management Theory and Practice is an open access journal, which provides instant access to the full text of research papers without any need for a subscription or any additional fees to the journal where the papers are published. Therefore, anyone has the opportunity to copy, use, redistribute, transmit/display the work publicly and uploaded the published papers in any platforms such as ResearchGate, Academia.edu, Publon, ResearchPad and etc.

Aim and Scopes

The Journal of Management Theory and Practice (JMTP) is a journal dedicated to the improvement and dissemination knowledge on Management, Finance, Accountancy, entrepreneurship, Marketing, Hospitality Management and Tourism, Risk Management and Takaful and Research Method Issue in Management. 

  • Management: Business ethics, business strategy, conflict management, corporate governance, corporate intellectual capital reporting, corporate venturing, cross cultural studies, human resource management, innovation, strategic theories of the firm, operations management, organisational behaviour, international business, sports management, strategic management, leadership, management, performance measurement in the public sector, stakeholder engagement, voluntary disclosure.
  • Finance : Asset pricing, banking, behavioural finance, bond markets, business valuation, capital markets, carbon finance, corporate finance, derivatives and derivatives markets, dividend policy, financial institutions, financial markets and instruments, globalisation and integration, green finance, international banking, international finance, insurance, investment and risk management, lending decisions and lending policy, merger and acquisition, money and monetary policy, micro finance, options and futures, public finance, public sector financial management, regulatory framework (e. g. Basel III), small business finance, stock markets and venture and venture capital.
  • Accountancy: Contemporary accounting issues, such as auditing, accounting education, accounting history, accounting regulation, accounting policies and estimates, accounting information systems, carbon accounting, earnings management, environmental accounting, financial reporting, forensic and investigative accounting, fraud and ant bribery, management accounting, international financial reporting standards (IFRS), public sector accounting, taxation.
  • Marketing: General marketing, business marketing, consumer behaviour, international marketing, marketing management, market orientation, services marketing, retail marketing, social marketing, strategic marketing and supply chain management.
  • Economics : Agribusiness, agricultural and resource economics, applied economics, economic development and growth, economic policy and rural development, economic regulations, energy economics, environmental and natural resource economics, financial economics, health economics, history of economic thoughts, industrial economics, international economics, institutional and ecological economics, Islamic economics, knowledge economy, labour economics, micro and macroeconomics, population economics, transport economics, urban and regional economics.
  • Islamic Finance: Islamic bond, the impact of Basel III on Islamic Finance practice, Corporate Governance in Islamic Financial institutions, Innovation in Islamic finance, instruments issues and development in Islamic Finance, financial markets in Islamic Finance, investment strategy and portfolio in Islamic Finance, risk management in Islamic Finance, social responsibility in Islamic Finance, sustainability and competitiveness in Islamic Finance.
  • Hospitality Management and Tourism: Innovation in tourism (accommodation, catering, transportation, entertainment, events, leisure, information and services), hospitality management, impact of terrorism on tourism, tourism forecasting, career development, tourism marketing, human resource management in hospitality.
  • Risk Management and Takaful: Development and regulation of Takaful market, Theory and practice of risk management, Property and liability Takaful, life and health Takaful.
  • Contemporary Issues in Research Methodology and Data Analysis: Issues in Validity and Reliability of the instruments, Misconception about measuring scales, Second Generation Method of Data Analysis namely, Structural Equation Modelling (the choice between SEM and PLS-SEM), Parametric and Non Parametric Statistical Analysis etc.