The Impact of Training & Development and Communication on Organizational Commitment on Bangladeshi Commercial Banks

Keywords: Employee, Organizational Commitment, Training & Development, Communication, Commercial Bank


Employees are the heart of an organization as they are the weapons that propel the organization towards its goal. However, to superintend and build them as competent, committed in the long run, it is challenging to experience supportive communication, fair bonding, and more clarity regarding the organization's goal and responsibility. Thus, this research intends to examine the impact of training & development and communication on organizational commitment based on the private bank employees of Bangladesh, especially on the Chattogram division.Through simple random sampling method, the questionnaire was sent to 200 bank employees and  a total of 153 responses were perfectly derived as the sample size (Krejcie & Morgan, 1970). The study is analyzed through quantitative analysis and were tested in the statistical software SPSS (version 22). The findings show the significant relationship of training & development and communication that are positively related to organizational commitment. The study suggests that commercial banks should introduce proper training & development measurements that will clarify work activities, objectives, and a supportive communication system that can defend critical issues and relationships in the organization.


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How to Cite
Umme Kulsum, Mohona, N. T., & Dey, J. (2021). The Impact of Training & Development and Communication on Organizational Commitment on Bangladeshi Commercial Banks. The Journal of Management Theory and Practice (JMTP), 2(4), 102-109.
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