Developing Family Satisfaction with Care in Adult Critical Care Public Hospital Terengganu, Malaysia
In admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU), there is a high possibility of a life-threatening condition and possible emotional distress for family members. When the family is distressed and hospitalized, a significant level of stress and anxiety will be generated among family members, thereby decreasing their ability to make responsible decisions. As a result, the family members need full and up-to-date details, helping them to retain hope, and this contributes to lower stress levels. While there is growing evidence of the effectiveness of shared decision-making for family members who are directly involved in decisions, particularly regarding shared decision-making in the Malaysian context, there is less evidence that supported decisions help overall outcome. This study aims to developing the family satisfaction with decision making in the Intensive Care Unit (FS-ICU)-33 Malay language version of family member’s satisfaction with care and decision making during their stay at the intensive care units. A quantitative, cross-sectional validation study and purposive sampling was conducted from 1st November 2017 and 10 October 2018 to January 2020 among 208 of family members. The family members of the ICU patients involved in this study had an excellent satisfaction level with service care. Higher satisfaction in ICU care resulting in higher decision-making satisfaction and vice versa.
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